Jennifer on the Issue:
The county is understaffed by more than 2,600 people which means it can’t provide services as promised. When elected, I plan to ensure our county offers our youth more productive things to do after school, and on weekends, by increasing funding to local youth centers. I’ll offer them pipelines to paid internships, employment and other creative outlets that develop skills and character to undo years of disinvestment in the community and as a proven approach to moving away from young people having little to no good options if college isn’t a part of their pathway following highschool. We need expanded job training for youth and returning citizens through the county and partnerships with unions and other community-based organizations to prevent reincarceration of our neighbors and loved ones.
We must begin to use our county’s ability to support residents, especially young people, and create innovative programming that enhances our ability to attract highly skilled workers and workers that serve our community in less skilled jobs as well. We can support public and private recruitment through creative and innovative county based incentive programs. Investments in workforce housing can be offered as retention tools by companies to keep people living and working in Alameda County.
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